Here are some small leather bags that I build using my braided leather construction. Most all of my purses and handbags are made using moccasin cowhide leather that is about 4 ounces thick. I can usually make these bags about any size that someone would like.
small leather handbags and purses
I make many variations of these small leather handbags. They do have to be large enough for me to work from the inside of them - that's about the size of a check book. Depending on what the buyer wants, I use either a 4 or 8 strand braid for the handles/straps that can be made most any length.
I've been informally calling these bags my 'barrel bags'. Many of them have pockets on each end. Some have handles, others have shoulder straps. Some have different braided appliques. The braided shoulder straps, and the handles, can be made to any length. All of these bags have large brass zippers (#10 YKK). The cola cans in some of the pictures is for size reference.
This small leather clutch/handbag is about 9" wide and 6" high. It has a large brass zipper that is covered by a flap with a roll button closure. There is a pocket under the flap. At the request of the buyer, it has no handle/strap.
Here are three pictures of what I call a 'double flapped bag'. It has a long 4 strand braided strap with tassels on the ends of it.
Here is one of the many bags on this page that I call my 'barrel bags' - it is about 12" long and has a 6" diameter and is about the largest one I've built.. It has a large brass zipper across the top of it that is hand sewn with 5 ply nylon bees-waxed thread. It's a dark Brown body with Rust colored braided seams on each end of it. The 8 strand round braided strap was made with four colors of laces.
This 'barrel bag' is about 7" long and has a 5" diameter with a zipper across the top of it. It has two handles with short tassels hanging from the ends of them. It has a pocket on each end of it.
These two pictures are of the same Mahogany bag with one set next to a cola can for size reference. It's about 6" long and has a 5" diameter. It has a large brass zipper with a long strap on the tab/slider of it. There are pockets on each end of it. The two handles are an 8 strand round braid with short tassels on the ends.
This braided Mahogany bag has a large brass zipper and is about 9" long by a 5" diameter. It has an 8 strand round braided shoulder strap with short tassels on the ends of it. There is a braided circle applique on the side of it.
This Chestnut zippered braided bag is about 9" long and is 5" in diameter. It has an 8 strand round braided shoulder strap with short tassels on the ends of it. It has a braided circle applique on the side of it.
This small Mahogany colored barrel bag has a large brass zipper and is about 7" long with a 5" diameter. It has two 8 strand round braided handles with long tassels hanging from the ends of them. On one side, between the handles, there is a braided circle applique.
This Black barrel bag is about 9" long with a 5" diameter and has zipper across the top of it. It has a 4 strand round braided shoulder strap with long tassels hanging from the ends of it. It also has a very long strap of leather tied to the zipper tab/slide.
This small Mahogany colored barrel bag has a large brass zipper and is about 7" long with a 5" diameter. It has two 8 strand round braided handles with short tassels hanging from the ends of them.
This small two-tone bag is about 9" long by 6" high. It has a zipper across the top of it. The long 8 strand braided shoulder strap has tassels hanging from the ends of it. There is (what I call) a 'tri-loop' applique braided to the side of it.
This small Black bag is about 7" long by 4" high and has a zipper across the top of it. It has a 4 strand round braided strap that has long tassels hanging from the ends of it. It has a small circle applique braided to the side of it.